Vegan Tempeh - Tempeh Thailand
Chiang Mai based company producing homecooked delicious tempeh either plain or pre-marinated as well as some other products such as peanut butter. They are also expanding their range to include more creative tempeh style burgers and other tempeh items. Will deliver.
Vegan Bread (and more) Chiang Mai Bread
Unfortunately they no longer stock regular loaves but they offer a range of unusual loaves including rye bread sourdough bread which taste great. They also offer a range of other products including hummus and peanut butter. Very cheap prices. All their products are vegan, as the company owners are vegans themselves. They also added an amazing range of vegan cheeses which have been a long sought after product.
Vegan and Gluten-Free Cakes - Care Free Bakery
She makes gluten and dairy-free cakes and sells them at city events and you she will also make to order. She also offers cake mixes so that you can make your favourite cakes at home yourself.