Guwan Im and Tam-ma-chat
Address: Don Sanam Road, Phayao
Phone Number: --
Opening Hours: 06:00 AM-6:00 PM
Cuisine: Thai vegan food
Whilst I was in Phayao, which is about two or three hours drive east of Chiang Mai, I found jey food easily. The first store I found which appears to be called Tam-ma-chat, I believe translating to the word nature, was on the main road coming in to the city. The road is called Don Sanam road and the store is situated on the right hand side and is very easy to spot. The second store, is on the same road going straight on, right past the lake and just past the monument. It is called Guwan Im, translating to the name of a vegetarian godess.
Both of these stores sell typical Thai vegan food. Quite a number of pre-cooked dishes and other snacks and products. Tam-ma-chat is a nice and clean place to sit, Guwan Im is a bit more rustic, but does have quite a few more options and I noticed stays open longer than their official hours. Both are open from 6:00 in the morning until 6:00 in the evening.
If you are in Phayao, try out both of them! I saw at least one more jey store here, but I only had time to visit these two. You won't be going hungry in Phayao!

Fake meat sausages.

The shop from the outside.

A dish.

The inside seating area.

Available food.


You should be full after eating some of this lot.

You should be full after trying out one or two of these dishes!