J Kitchen (by Vieng Joom On)
Address: Green Plus Mall 2, 114/14 Nong Phra Krang, Amphur Muang, Chiang Mai
Phone Number: 053-851815
Website: https://www.facebook.com/jkitchencm
Opening Hours: 11:00 AM- 9.00 PM Daily
Cuisine: Thai
J Kitchen is in Chiang Mai Business Park just behind Big C Extra. It isn't your usual buffet style or rustic affair this is an upmarket, posh, sit down and order from a very fancy looking menu. The establishment is owned by a tea company and it feels like a posh teahouse very different to the usual basic Thai places. This place is classy and the rather high prices do reflect this as well.
Although the menu isn't huge, I do find the dishes to be particularly tasty as well as oil free. So if you are looking for somewhere that is a bit of a cut above and you don't mind paying a little extra than usual, this is the place for you. Of course, an abundance of tea is available and other hot beverages and soft drinks as well as a range of vegan sorbet desserts.