Ratsamitham (Thai Vegan Restaurant)
Address: Sirithon Road, Chang Puak, Chiang Mai
Phone Number: 053 221 501
Opening Hours: 7:30 AM-4:30 PM
Cuisine: Thai vegan
This is a typical Thai vegetarian (vegan) store but one that I have found to be a cut above some of the others in the area. The selection here is particularly good. They have around ten different pre-cooked curries and main dishes out for you to choose from. They also have a range of other goods including spring rolls, vegetarian sausages and other fried snacks as well as the usual dried ingredients.
As well as the good selection I have also found the food to be particularly tasty and less oily than what these stores tend to serve.
They are also open beyond lunchtime, but the food will start to sell out later on in the afternoon when they will start to bag it up for you to take home.
Another bonus is that while most Thai stores only have water available this one has a fridge full of sodas, juices and soya milk. I also liked that they have a 'bar' area to sit at although the view of Chontana's traffic jam is probably not the best of views! There is plenty more seating available and is very clean and smart.
Right in the city and easy to spot, this is one you won't want to miss.

Lots of options here.

Stuff that you can buy.

Smaller things to eat.

View of the shop.