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Useful websites for finding Vegetarian Restaurants/Information in Chiang Mai


Here are a list of websites that you will find very useful.

I am sure you will already know about this one, which provides user based listings on strictly vegetarian (or vegan) only eateries all over the world. The Chiang Mai section is quite up to date and they have almost everywhere covered. (Veg-Friendly restaurants are also listed, but you can click to remove these by the filter option if you want.)

This Facebook group is quite active and has good tips and advice, as well as meet-up opportunities.

This Facebook page, mostly in Thai but with some English - has a very good map for finding restaurants in both English and Thai. The map has extremely good coverage, and you can also find it on my map page to download.

This blogsite has some excellent reviews and is organised by 'bests'.

This blogsite includes 15 reviews of Chiang Mai's top veggie and veggie-friendly places to eat.

I haven't explored this one much yet, but am told it is a good resource with a good application for your mobile device.

Not many users or reviews, but has good listings.

Check out the Thailand pages for some great low-cost Thai vege recipes.
This website has a wealth of information on Chiang Mai in general. The creator is a vegan and provides lots of very worthwhile information.

For a cruelty-free lifestyle. 


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