Every summer I go home to England for a few weeks and each year I find it gets easier and easier on a vegan diet. New vegetarian restaurants are popping up all over the place both inside and outside of London, and even traditional pubs are now offering vegan options as well as vegetarian and I'm finding that I have several choices, a very different story to when I first became vegan fifteen years ago.
I was honoured to be asked to write about my experience as a vegan in England by my fellow vegan friends Mindy and Ligieia, who I know from Chiang Mai. They are also the creators of the website 'Bounding over Our Steps', where you can find lots of information about being vegan, fellow vegan experiences, restaurant reviews from Asia as well as other areas and information and reports on their elephant sanctuary projects.
You can read the article that I wrote for the website here: http://www.boundingoveroursteps.com/vegan-in-england-dee-fancett/
My favourite restaurant in London is Norman Coach and Horses whose signature dish is Tofush and chips as featured in the picture here, my first ever experience of eating 'fish'. It is a fantastic meal that comes with vegan tartare sauce and I highly recommend it. The Coach and Horses is London's only vegetarian pub, it can be found in the heart of Soho near to Shaftsbury Avenue. Please see their website http://www.thecoachandhorsessoho.co.uk/ They offer a very pleasant dining experience in the upstairs tea room, and they usually have at least one raw vegan option as well as several 100% vegan and almost all of their vegetarian dishes can be made vegan.
I also recently came across this article, I never knew that we could get vegan options as so many high street places which you can find all over the country.
I'm looking forward to trying out more vegan places next year.