Vegan London June 2016
Here are the places that I visited on my trip to South London during June 2016. Short description of each restaurant follows the video!...

Zizzi's Vegan Menu - UK
Zizzi's Italian restaurant chain in the UK have recently incorporated a vegan menu with vegan cheese. In this video I show you what they...

Bangkok's Best Vegan Restaurants
In this video I show you four restaurants which I have found to be the best for getting vegan food down in the big mango.

Vegan in Siem Reap, Cambodia: What I Found
In this video I show you some of the vegan dishes that I found at some of Siem Reap's best vegetarian and vegan eateries. Thanks so much...

The Best Somtam (Papaya Salad) in Chiang Mai - My Five Top Picks
Somtam (ส้มตำ) or Spicy Papaya Salad is a classic Thai dish which I absolutely love to eat. We hope you might too. Traditionally it is...
VIDEO: Vegan in Isan
It's easy to be vegan everywhere in Thailand, not just in Chiang Mai! If you are travelling to other provinces, even rural provinces, you...
Vegan Festival October 2015 Video
The festival was held all over Thailand during October. In all provinces of Thailand vegan food was sold on the streets, the side of the...

Vegetarian Festival: What happens in Chiang Mai? 13th-23rd October
The vegetarian festival offically starts tomorrow, the 13th October, and runs until around the 23rd. I have heard a lot of people asking...

Eating Vegan Food in Non-Veg Restaurants
Have you been invited to a social event that is at a restaurant that is not particularly vegan or even vegetarian friendly? Do not turn...
Buying Vegan Milk in Chiang Mai
Lactasoy is available everywhere in Chiang Mai but the standard flavours are not vegan. In this video I show you what to look out for and...