Recipe: Vegan Chocolate Cake
You can make this delicious and simple vegan cake one of two ways. You could simply make it in a loaf tin and then cut the slices up as...

Veggie in London, UK: What I Found
London has often been voted as one of the best cities to live in as a vegetarian or vegan. When i'm there I am based in South East London...

Birthday in Chiang Mai
Yesterday was my birthday and I wanted to celebrate it at a vegetarian restaurant that serves decent vegan food. I also wanted somewhere...

Veggie in Devon, UK: What I Found
I recently traveled to Devon whilst back home in England, and here is what I found as a vegan. Devon may not seem the most likely place...

Recipe: Vegan 'Cheesy' Pasta
So I decided to do something different with my pasta. Making a tomato sauce is easy enough and I'm sure you've got plenty of recipes for...

Veggie at the Beach: What I Found
Here is what I found as a vegan on the southern islands of Ko Samui and Ko Phangan. KO SAMUI: This island is quite big and even though...

Care for Dogs Chiang Mai: Adoption Stories
Care for Dogs Foundation is an animal rescue shelther in Chiang Mai. Please consider supporting them, and visit their website to find out...

Recipe: Vegan Chocolate Pie (Can be Raw Vegan)
I love experimenting with raw food especially raw desserts, which tend to turn out better than the savoury dishes that I’ve tried. I have...

GO VEGAN THIS JANUARY: ALL ABOUT VEGANUARY Why go vegan in January? It’s a great month to try it, after Christmas when people feel like...

DAIRY FREE! SOY FREE! VEGAN NUT CHEESE! If there is one thing that I have certainly never been able to find in Chiang Mai, it is vegan...